A Day In the Life of...

This is a blog dedicated to my Project 365. I challenge myself (and anyone who wants to join me) to take a photo a day and use these daily photos to document their year. I will start on Jan 1st 2010. And I will digitally scrapbook each week.

I am also using this blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends around the world as this is the year we finally head back to the states after living overseas for 14 years.

Saturday, 9 January 2010


OK, so I have to admit...I didn't take any pictures today, but because I don't want to skip a day, I stole one of my daughter's pics.  She stayed the night at a friend's house last night, and this is a picture she took today while over there.  I can't believe what a great photographer she is!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tina,
    I have attempted to contact you every way that I could. I just wanted to inform you that your swappers are now looking at other means of getting this issue resolved. If you have an update I suggest you come post one or this could turn into a real mess.

    [quote=pinkprincess;15987650]her husband is in the Air Force and he is held liable for all his family's actions ultimately, especially if done on military bases. If she does not follow up on her end of the deal soon, it can be considered mail- fraud + some other no-no's. The mail fraud will be more since they used military installation mail service, KWIM.

    (I am a military BRAT, my dad is a command SGT. Major)
    I would contact the Commanding Officer of the Air Force Base.

    I think we were going to give her to the 29th to respond....[/quote]

    Lorien Clark
    SCS Swap Forum Moderator
